During last months rainstorms when we had record rainfall for May my wife made a great meal. It was a simple idea, Parmesan-crusted chicken. The recipe called for basil on to finish the sauce and I figured why not give the Cinnamon Basil a try.
While some of the leaves of the basil were still looking a little bit sad because of the drowning and lack of sun, this plant help up pretty well and was still growing and putting out new leaves on a daily basis. I grabbed 3 large green leaves and gave them to my wife.
- Cinnamon Basil
She chopped them up and topped each dish off with a sprinkling of the Cinnamon Basil and it was just the right choice. It gave the dish a great, fresh finish. There is a small amount of a Cinnamon flavor, but not overwhelming.
I still have not tried this herb dried (dried herbs have far more flavor), but I did also use it on a spaghetti sauce and loved it there as well! Once the growing season is over I am going to dry it and see how it tastes then!
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