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Pole Beans – Vegetable Profile

Name Pole Beans (Green Beans, Snap Beans, String
Verities Kentucky Wonder, Blue Lake, Romano Italian
Family Legume
Exposure Full sun light
Size Up to  8′ tall (Trellis required)
Days to Harvest 50-60 Days
Description Pole beans are several inches long and are a
deep, full green color (some varieties are different colors).  When
harvested as "green beans" they are about the thickness of a
pencil.  The plant has tear shaped leaves that grow to the size of an
open hand.  
Sowing Pole Beans should be sown out doors after the
threat of frost has past.  Sowing in doors is possible, but Pole
Beans grow fairly fast making this unnecessary.  Plant each bean
about an inch deep with its eye facing down.  Space about 4-5"
Growing All plants in the legume family produce their
own nitrogen from a symbiosis with a bacteria that takes nitrogen from the
air and puts it in the soil.  Because of this Pole beans do not
require much fertilization with nitrogen, how ever, it does take a little
time to get the bacteria producing so a light fertilization with nitrogen
upon germination can be helpful.

Not much help is needed to get the plant started but once it starts to
reach 2-3′ tall it will need more nutrients, and as such should be fertilized
with a low nitrogen fertilizer.

Harvest Once the beans have reached a harvestable size
(about as thick as a pencil) they should be harvested.  This size
bean will be at its best flavor and will not be stringy. 

Continued harvest will cause the plant to continue to grow more
beans.  When the growing season nears an end, allow a few been pods
to reach full maturity to save for sowing next season!

Notes Try not to plant legumes in the same spot to
many times.  It will lead to an excess of nitrogen in the soil and
cause many problems!

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