Gardening ArticlesHow To

How-to Propagate Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers are often said to be an annual plant (a plant that can only live one year), and because of this it is rare to hear of these plants being propagated from cuttings. But here in zone 9, and a few other warm weather climates Bell Pepper plants are perennial and can live many years.

A long-lived plant that produces well is a great plant to propagate using a cutting. The plant that grows from the cutting will be a clone of the parent plant and will produce and grow in a similar fashion.

Bell Pepper Propagation Step by Step

1. Cut a small branch off the parent plant

2. Fill a small container with water

3. Cover glass with cling wrap

4. Poke a hole in cling wrap

5. Push stem threw hole in cling wrap

6. Wait for roots to grow to 50% the length of the stem to grow

7. Plant cutting in a rich well-drained soil 8. Enjoy

Step 1

Cut a small branch off the parent plant. When cutting the parent plant it is best to choose a stem that is new growth and has healthy looking leaves. Make sure to make the cutting 3-6” long.

Step 2

Fill a small container with water. A shot glass is the perfect size for this. Use tap water that is room temperature. The water level should be even with the top of the glass.

Step 3

Cover glass with cling wrap. This cling wrap will help prevent the water in the glass from evaporating too quickly. The only water loss should be from the cutting drinking the water.

Step 4

Poke a hole in the cling wrap. Using a pen or pencil poke a small hole in the cling wrap. This hole will be where the cuttings stem will go threw so make sure it is large enough for the stem to fit.

Step 5

Push stem threw cling wrap. Push the stem threw the cling wrap until it is almost touching the bottom of the container. The more of the stem that is in the water the more stems that will grow.

Step 6

Wait for roots to grow to 50% the length of the stem to grow.  This will take a little bit of time. Sometimes it takes 2-3 weeks and sometimes it takes even a little longer. Be sure to keep the water level in the container above the stem.

Step 7

Plant cutting in a rich well-drained soil.  After the roots have developed plant the cutting in a rich and well-drained soil in a container that gives it ample room to grow a strong root system!


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