Cyclamen Plant

Tips for Successfully Growing a Cyclamen Plans

If you’re looking for a challenging, yet very rewarding, plant to try, you may want to look for the Cyclamen plant.  This plant requires very mild temperatures and a lot of moisture, and if it doesn’t have both of these it won’t likely live very long.  If you’re planting it outside you will need to make sure you live in an area which does not have any extreme temperatures and is rarely warmer than about sixty five degrees during the day.  In addition, strong winds are not recommended for this plant so choosing the right location is very important.

The Cyclamen Plant is Best Kept Inside

Many people plant the picky Cyclamen inside in an area where they can have much more control over things like the temperature and humidity.  Since this plant loves a humid environment many people will place it on or near some type of water.  This could be anything from a decorative waterfall or just a small plate of water which the Cyclamen can sit near.  Keeping the air around this plant humid is very important if you want it to thrive.

You’ll also need to water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist, but when watering make sure you are pouring the water directly onto the soil and not over the plant itself because that could cause it to begin to rot.  Attention to detail is very important with this picky plant, especially during the summer months when it is growing the most.

Dormant Cycle

After the plant flowers from December to April it will begin to look like it is dying.  When the flower stalk appears nearly dead it should be pulled off to help a new leaf grow.  After this process the plant will enter a natural dormant period which begins around April and can last many months.  During the dormant time of the Cyclamen plant you will need to give it less water than before so start to slowly taper off the amount you give in early April.

Attempting Outdoor Planting of the Cyclamen Plant

If you are going to try to plant a Cyclamen outside you need to make sure you know what you’re doing.  Start by finding a semi-shady area of the garden.  You need to plant them about 2 inches deep and if you’re planting more than one at a time you’ll want them about six inches apart.  Unlike most plants which are placed in soil during the springtime, these like to be planted around August or September.  Another thing to watch for if you’re planting the Cyclamen is to put it right side up in the hole because once the growth starts it can’t flip over.

Whether you choose to to do Cyclamen planting inside or outside you need to make sure you are able to give proper care to this delicate plant if you want it to thrive.  When anything from the temperature to the humidity in the air or the moisture in the soil are off you’ll soon find that the plant is not doing very well.  Keeping close tabs on your Cyclamen will help alert you to any problems so you can make subtle changes to help fix the issues.