These are the rules for all those who sign up to blog for

  1. Once a blogger signs up they will be required to submit 3 blog posts before their section of is activated!
  2. Once the bloggers personal section is activated they will gain ownership of the top advertising block on the sidebar on all of their posts and their profile page.
    1. Adsense ad blocks of 300×250 are automatically approved
    2. Any other advertisement must be approved by’s Editor
    3. The ads will remain active on all posts by the blogger for as long as the posts are on
  3. All content posted on is subject to approval and editing by editors
    1. Any non-approved content will be deleted
    2. Bloggers will be notified if any content is edited
  4. After 3 posts have been submitted, blogger will be given access to post on on their own (no editor supervision)
    1. This access can be revoked by’s editors at any time
  5. Terms of this agreement may be modified at anytime by editors.