
Harvest Early for Higher Yield

Flowering plants that produce fruit can often times be the highest producing crops in a home garden. These plants range from Zucchini to Pole Beans all the way to Okra. The immature fruits of these plants are what is eaten while mature fruits are almost inedible.

On plants like this it is important to harvest the fruit early, while it is still immature. They should be harvested as soon as the fruit is large enough to be eaten. The sooner and more often that these plants are harvested the more they will produce.

Here is why:

When a fruit is allowed to fully mature it takes a lot of energy from the plant to do so. After spending all the energy to mature the fruit the plant may either die off or just stop setting fruit! When the fruit is harvested earlier the plant will continue to produce seeds until the end of the season!

Now get out there and harvest!

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